Don’t Go to this Tulsa Reparations Rally, Normal White People

Even before the time of George Lincoln Rockwell there have been COUNTELPRO events in which ZOG agents provacateur pretending to be neo-nazis or Klansmen arrange public rallys in which the police use as an excuse to crack down on both sides. Since both sides hate each other so much, the young foot-soldiers on both sides are without much discipline and only the agents-provacateur — or as we call them “ZOG-bots” — know that it is just a setup from the get-go, there is usually violence and a few dead bodies and walking wounded as the result, with the pro-white side subjected to criminal and civil “lawfare” for years in the corrupt courts.

Greensboro NC in 1979 was an early example. Frazier Glenn Miller was there as a ZOGbot.

Before the Unite the Right Rally in August 2017 in addition to flatly insisting that Christian Identity believers and Klansmen not attend this farce to “unite” us along with a collection of fraudulent grifting non-whites, jews, perverts, and all of them ZOGbots I warned that ZOGbots in collusion with the state and local police could not be trusted to maintain order and that there would be bloodshed and then lawfare. Turns out that I was right. After Charlottesville 1.0 the Movement was massively deplatformed from the Internet and social media and even from banking on-line.

I also urged no one attend the “Stop the Steal” 6th January 2021 Rally called for by Trump because Trump showed no committment to those he uses ever. Antifa and BLM and Capitol Police let in the MAGAtards in to justify a coup by the Deep State. All of the major groups and militias are led by ZOGbots. All that was accomplished was that the ruling elites hates and fears us White People.

Likewise with this Tulsa Reparations Rally. If normal White People don’t show up all that will be done is a bunch of begging negros whining for another handout. Nothing more but there will be peace.

Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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